Il Presidente

Prot. n.13455/np Rome, 1st December 2005


Acad. Emil Jetchev

E.A.B.A. President

E.A.B.A. E.C. Members

Presidents of all European

National Associations


Anwar Chowdhry

A.I.B.A. President




Dear President Jetchev,

the initiatives that have been going on continuously for many months, outside the sphere of decisions taken by the EABA E.C., the only democratically elected body to represent Europes National Boxing Associations within the AIBA, have brought about a crisis of the Olympic boxing system in Europe.

The situation has become absolutely intolerable and paradoxical, with an Extraordinary Congress convened for Prague by the opposition group.

The convening of an Ordinary or Extraordinary Congress must however be decided by the EABA E.C.

I accordingly invite you to immediately call a meeting of the EABA E.C. and to comply with procedures set forth in the regulations.

Failure to do so would confirm that amateur boxing in Europe is going through a phase of total anarchy and ingovernability, a matter that would have to be submitted to the Executive Bodies of the AIBA.

Sincerely yours.

Franco Falcinelli

E.A.B.A. Vice President

A.I.B.A. E.C. Member




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